Rental Hydraulic Power Pack
This system is ideal for operating large valves, which require large volume of fluid and few cycles. Typical use is for BOP testing and other valve package testing. A Mob/ Demob fee of 8 000 NOK
- Pumps will not run continuously.
- Pumps will run almost continuously.
The 6 off 50 litre accumulators are of the piston type. The bank will supply appr. 105 litres of hydraulic fluid to the system with pressure from 210 to 140 Barg.
To precharge the accumulators, bleed off hydraulic pressure, connect N2 supply via special charging kit to the charging valve on top of each of the accumulators, one at time. Then precharge the accumulators to 140 barg.
To check the N2 precharge pressure, bleed off hydraulic pressure and use the same charging kit (it has a pressure gauge).
Environmental Data:
Maximum ambient temperature: +23 °C
Minimum ambient temperature: - 7 °C
Atmosphere: Salty and Corrosive
Skid Material: | 316L |
Surface Treatment (steel parts): | NORSOK (topcoat RAL 9200 grey) |
Design standard, lifting/lifting sling | DNV RP5 |
HPU dry weight: | 2400 kgs. |
HPU operating weight: | 2900 kgs. |
Reservoir total capacity: 500 Liters
Accumulators Stored capacity: 105 Litres (6 off at 20 degr.C)
Pump flowrate (each of the 2 pumps): 2.0 L/min
System working pressure: 210 Barg
N2 precharge pressure: 140 Barg
Relief valves set point: 232 Barg
N2 Burst disc set point: 270 Barg
Pump stop relay settings: 210 Barg ( increasing)
Pump restart relay settings: 179 Barg ( decreasing, 31 barg deadband)
- Air Suply 6-7 bar
- Filter 2 x 6 mikron (2 spare)
- N2 pre-charge kit
Operator panel
- Suply 210 bar Open / Close needle valve :Supply 9/16" JIC
- Retur m/manometer Open / Close needle valve :Supply 9/16" JIC
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